Tulsa Review (est. 2014) is a student-run, online literary journal published annually by Tulsa Community College in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Our mission is to place the bold, unique voices of TCC students alongside the work of great emerging and established writers and artists from around the world.
We’re funded by generous support from the TCC Foundation and the TCC English Department.
Thank you to the people whose work continues to make ours possible, especially our student editors and the Tulsa Review Advisory Board; Dr. Angela Sivadon, Senior Vice President & Chief Academic Officer; Dr. Kristopher Copeland, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs; Dr. Greg Stone, Associate Vice President of Academic & Campus Operations; Dr. Paula Willyard, Dean of Communication, English, and World Languages; the TCC Visual Arts faculty; and Melissa Cloud, TCC Web Manager.

Views and opinions expressed in Tulsa Review are those of the individual contributors, who are solely responsible for them. They do not explicitly or implicitly reflect the views of the Tulsa Review staff, the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, the TCC Board of Regents, or the administration, faculty, staff, or student body of TCC. Characters in fictional works are the creations of their authors, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental. TCC holds the copyright for the entire contents of Tulsa Review. Rights pertaining to individual literary and artistic works revert to the original authors upon publication. Tulsa Review‘s editorial staff reserves the right to revise submitted work.